Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22nd

Strawberries are on sale at Walmart for 1.38.  I bought a couple of pints to put in the freezer.  I saved some out to make shortcake.  I just love fresh strawberries with a little sugar on shortcake. They are better fresh than frozen of course, but fresh frozen strawberries are also better than those out of the grocery store freezer.

So, two more freezer bags in, with about 3 cups each.

It was sunny today after about three days of rain and cloudy weather, so I worked more in the flower garden, the Main Flower Garden.

I don't grow violets on purpose, they come up about everywhere on their own.  I try to do a little crowd control during the year, by weeding out several of them, but they still come up in the lawn and a lot of other places.  We only have three different kinds at our place.  There are some red-violet ones in the subdvision, and I've seen yellow ones...once.  We probably have some plain white ones on the place, but I didn't go looking very hard. 

These are so pretty with the purple streaks in their heart. 

These are a little bit darker purple than the ones below.

These little blue flowers are the earliest to bloom.  They are so pretty, really blue with white in the center.  However they quickly lose their appeal, when I remember I'm going to be weeding them out all summer.  They spread like wildfire, and have such thin stems it is hard to get it all.  I'm hoping to get quite a bit of it out before it goes to seed, to minimize some of the damage.

Main Flower Garden looking south. Jim built the arch, we bought the picket fence.

Viola, Johnny-Jump-ups, Baby Pansies, they have some other names, come up from seed, and I'm careful not to let these go too far also.   

Pasque Flowers

The first of the Tulips

I weeded the bottom half of the brick path.  At least once a year I turn over every brick to get all the weed roots out.  I think I'm going to be very sore tomorrow.

The Dry Garden part of the Main Flower Garden
South of the House.

The iris here does pretty well, despite my forgetting to water this spot.  I want to put more non-plant things in it, too.  There are hen and chicks, and spiderwort, than we dug up in sand near the Platte River.

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