Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25, 2011

4 quarts, 1 pint pickled beets, 1 gallon of beans frozen a few days ago, Today I put 2 1/2 pints of blueberries in the freezer.  I got them for 1.88 a pint.  I baked two 4" blueberry pies, and froze one and a peach one, made out of one peach.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Canning Starts

5 quarts pickled beets, 6 1/2 pints zucchini relish.

July 20.2011

I'm trying to get an hour's worth of weeding in the flower garden every dry morning.  It's been so hot and humid, I've been out at 7.  Of course, I let the weeds get about a foot tall before I started.  So much for "doing better this year.  

I'm working on the side of the shop, too.  We have a bush there that is spawning two babies.  I put a columbine next to that, weeding around them, dropped some larkspur seeds, and blazing star and penstemon,  This is the north side, and I've blocked out the space with old 2x4's for now.  The west edge has a Stella d' oro lily at the corner, going strong, with some iris.  But there is a black walnut tree in the middle, and lots of brome grass.  I've finally got some holly hocks going, and I've dumped the other seed there, too.  (west side)  I think I will have to wait until next year and spray the grass early.  

I want to get some skinny tomato cages for the holly hock, delphinium, and something else, evening primrose?
Also, those taller frames that you can put flower pots on and display work well for spreading tall flowers.

Jim is just now watering the corn.  This week is the first we've had to water anything, we've had so much rain.  I planted some peas where the other ones only produced three on a new package.  They were a casualty from the cold, I imagine. We are eating green beans now, and zucchini.  The second planting of cucumbers is not coming up either. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Jim at Work

June 4, 2011

We planted 8 more spruce trees along the south edge of our "vacant lot" and Jim installed a drip system to water them with the 8 from last year.  It is nice that he can do this so easily.