Monday, July 26, 2021

July 26, 2021

 I seem to have lost my enthusiasm for blogging.  This is the most useful blog, or could be if I would use it properly.  We are well into the growing season, and with the 2" of rain this month and hot, but not too hot weather, everything is growing well.

We got our second picking of beans today.  We've been eating and putting up squash for three weeks.  We've been eating our potatoes and onions.  The yellow onions are the ones that get soft and rot, but we aren't having too much trouble this year.  Jim's little yellow tomatoes are producing more than he can eat and the garden ones are just turning.  We got round-up drift onto our garden this spring.  It was terribly windy and even with the farmer stopping far into his field, we still got hit.  We lost the peas and some of our tomatoes.  

I have about 20 qts. of beet pickles.  We got two white beets out of the deal and we ate them separately to see the difference.  Not enough to write home about.  I have 10 qts. of grated zucchini and yellow squash in the freezer, three batches of zucchini bread, 2 qts. of squash slices (there will be more) and 10 pints of zucchini relish.  We got two paper grocery bags of summer apples from a friend, and we got 11 gallons of peeled and sliced apples in the freezer and I made an apple crisp.  

Jim decided to buy meat chickens this year and we put 20 in the freezer.  We have eaten or given away the other three. It's a lot more work than Jim remembered.