Tuesday, July 19, 2016

July 19, 2016

I've spent part of the morning hauling peaches downstairs from the 50# I canned yesterday. I didn't take any photos since I already have a photo on the blog.  I also put some of those peaches in the freezer chunked for smoothies, and some as sauce for cereal.

Pickles from last week. 

Those peaches were huge.  The one I'm holding is the big peach.

I picked more squash and cucumbers last night and gave some to Lynette.

July 19, 2016

I've spent part of the morning hauling peaches downstairs from the 50# I canned yesterday. I didn't take any photos since I already have a photo on the blog.  I also put some of those peaches in the freezer chunked for smoothies, and some as sauce for cereal.

Pickles from last week. 

Those peaches were huge.  The one I'm holding is the big peach.

I picked more squash and cucumbers last night and gave some to Lynette.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Week of July 11th, 2016

I picked nearly all of the beets.  A small section was hidden in weeds. The tops had been chewed off by rabbits and they were behind anyway. 


We've had three pickings of beans.  I put a quart in the freezer and we are eating them. 

I bought an 11# lug of cherries for 18.99. ($1.72 per pound)
The days are long gone to buy them for 99 cents a pound.
They canned up so easily, I canned another lug.  

I bought a bunch of peaches at HyVee, 1.49 a pound. 

The results of my labor. 

Our yellow summer apples were ready this week and my mom came to help.  We did two 5-gallons buckets of apples into sauce.  These are mine.  Mom took 5 pints. 

The tally:
I don't have photos of the pickles.
3 quarts Caddie pickles
1 quart and 1 pint dills (I forgot the garlic in the quart jar.)
16 quarts and 20 pints cherries
13 quarts peaches
4 quarts and 16 pints applesauce
I also put 4 pints of blueberries in the freezer and 3 pints of strawberries.  
Earlier this year I put a gallon of apple slices in the freezer and I haven't been counting the blueberries.  
I use the fruit for smoothies so extra fruit goes in the freezer in chunks for smoothies.  
I've put 5 pints of 'soup base' in the freezer.  That is cooked yellow squash blended and frozen.  Since I eat a lot of soup I use that instead of or for part of the water.