Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 13th

I decided I would not just take photos of the places I had flowers blooming, but some 'before' pictures of various places in the yard as I get them trimmed and weeded.

By the Driveway

 White Clematis by the Flagpole

I've tied it up a bit, so it isn't in so much of a lump like it has been.  I'll see how that works.  It needs a proper trellis, but I just used yarn. It is starting to green up and a few of my dark red dianthus have come back.

West Side of the House

Hyacinths, mini iris, and Grape Hyacinth, and I planted lettuce and spinach in the wet spots. I'm not sure what Jim will think, we've never tried mixing veggies and flowers together yet. There are more flowers to bloom in this space, and I need to put some annuals in the bare spots.

I planted parsely in a pot at my kitchen window.  Now I need to remember to water all these.

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