Saturday, July 21, 2018

July 21, 2018

We did our first batch of corn to freeze.  We did 11 1/2 dozen ears and got 23 qts. 

Jim got our first big picking of beans, 2 gallons.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

July 14, 2018

My reminder about getting my gardening, especially my flower gardens, didn't help me get on the ball in the blogging area. 

Our spring was late and cold, and then it rained and rained and rained.  We had snow, enough to mess up a lot more of life than gardening on April 14th.  We got all the usual things planted, onions, pea (which came up poorly), potatoes, beets, okra, corn, lettuce, summer squash, tomaotes and winter squash.  There is a pumpkin plant growing from a free pumpkin we got at the National Arbor Day Foundation place last fall.  I'm putting away squash, I made 7 pints of relish today, we've eaten lots, and last night I made enough flour, egg, cracker covered baked yellow slices to eat for supper and some for the freezer.  We are eating cucumbers and I made 2 quarts of Caddie pickles and 1 quart of dills.  Our beets are in 11 quarts of pickles, and we put a couple gallons of apples in the freezer to make into sauce later, a couple of quarts ready for pies.  I made a pie to eat for Sunday. 

We are starting to get beans.

I planted a gorgeous type of lettuce that made lovely big heads like the green leaf stuff you buy at the store.  However, we don't eat much lettuce so those beautiful heads turned into enormous, leggy, bolting plants.  I save a little to eat this week and the rest went to the chickens.

I paid 89 cents a pound for some peaches, that weren't terribly good, but I hope they make good canned peaches since I got 12 quarts out of them.