Monday, October 11, 2021

Next Year

and wrapping up 2021

 I'm cleaning up the flower gardens since I haven't weeded for a couple of weeks.  I see that there aren't very many weeds, but I can get a start on the end of the year clean up.  This year we are having a warm fall and things are still nice. 

I have some ideas for next year based on successes and failures of this year.

Moss rose does very well by the mailbox.  

I think the petunias get too wet under the flag pole. They didn't do well this year, but I can't think what else to do there. There is a morning glory growing there this year. I hope a seed takes root and I can train it up the flag pole.

I want to plan alyssum again in the place where the mock almond bush is and a little farther back from the sidewalk.  The snapdragons did very well there, so I want those again.  I have a few forget-me-nots come up there.  I don't really want them there, but they are such a pretty blue. I need to watch for the "horrible weed" that grew up in the candytuft because we accidently transplanted it with it.  Something needs to go in the point where the forget-me-nots are.  This year the gloxinia seed I planted did NOT grow. Zinnias? 

The strip by the gas meter needs petunias across the whole thing even if the bulb leaves haven't quite died down. I have a corner that I'm trying to get a nice stand of forget-me-nots there, and it isn't going well.

My zinnia seed from last year did really well by the pond, but it blocked out my barrel.  I'm thinking next year some of the bare places in the rock garden would be good. I cut down the peony bushes. They were dry. 

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