Monday, March 7, 2022

March 7, 2022

This has been a very strange winter.  In fact, it hardly seems like we've had any winter at all.  Before the new year most of the days had temperatures hovering in the 40s, with once a skift of snow. After the first of the year, the temps have been more volatile with swings from a few days of 50s and down to 30s, then single digits and a few nights below zero. As the days grew longer, it did not happen as the old wives tale "as the days begin to lengthen, then the cold begins to strengthen." Instead, the swings of temperature climbed into the 60s and 70s as the high for a few days before swinging back into below freezing again.  
This week was no different.  We had three lovely days of enjoying the outdoors weather, then wind and chill and today, our 4th "snow".  A little more than a skift this time, but not much with a 17 degree overnight temp. 

We are having to get used to empty places on shelves in our shopping excursions, due to the supply chain difficulties.  Last year, we bought our flats on line because they weren't to be had in the stores.  I've been keeping my eye out for this year's supply, even though I have quite a few left from last year. When I spotted some at Walmart, I bought them.  Ten of each size fit so nicely in this box, that I bought them all.  I probably have enough flats for two years.
I prefer to buy name brand flats.  I bought some really cheapo ones a few years ago, and half of them didn't seal.  I don't go to all the work of canning to have half of my jars not seal!!

Now that the days are getting longer, our chickens are producing an overabundance of eggs.  We are getting around 16 eggs a day.  We have eggs of all colors, some are spotted, and some are lumpy.  We've never had one that could be considered an art piece.  
This looks like a sitting-up cat to me. 


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