Sunday, August 16, 2020

August 16, 2020

As much as I love to have home grown, home canned produce put away, it is starting to get the best of me.  This week I've made another 9 qts of pickles of the usual varieties; froze another gallon of beans, grated several qts of summer squash, zuke and yellow; put some tomatoes in the freezer for making soup this winter and forgotten about the okra still in the fridge that I will slice, cover with cornmeal and either eat or freeze.  If I wait another day, we can eat it tomorrow for supper. Over two days we've picked six 3-gallon buckets and two 5-gallon buckets of lovely red apples off our tree and frozen about 17 gallons of peeled and sliced apples, canned about 10 qts of applesauce, plus one small apple crisp. 

I also have a total of 36 qts of peaches in jars, 32 frozen peaches and some chunks from some rather beat up ones for smoothies in the future.  We picked two peaches off our own tree which has a total of 13 this year, because one was pecked and the other so closely attached it was both or none.  I think they are ripe, Jim doesn't. We'll see after a taste test.

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