Saturday, September 26, 2020

September 26, 2020

 I'm calling it end of the season.  I gave up the beginning of the month since I was tired of processing garden sass.  All we have left is peppers, carrots, potatoes, carrots and squash.  We've eaten our two good spaghetti squash. I've started cooking, pureeing and freezing butternut squash. 

This is the first time we had a carrot bloom.  Jim pulled up, rather dug up, the culprit and we ate it for lunch.  This carrot is actually two entwined.  We don't thin our carrots, we just let them take their chance and we get some pretty strange configurations.  The really big carrots are very woody, and aren't as nice when cooked. 

Our okra thrived this hot dry year.  They were watered and grew taller than we've ever had okra grow before. Even Jim can't reach the top to harvest.  We have more than enough so we are letting them grow, they still are blooming, way up there 9ft. 9in. from the ground.  

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