Thursday, August 22, 2019

August 22, 2019

In spite of the rainy, hot, humid, late, cloudy and rabbity summer, what is left in our garden is growing great guns.  I'm tired of beans.  We picked about 13 gallons of beans in two pickings and I put those in the freezer.  I'm getting enough okra that I have a gallon of it sliced and cornmealed in the freezer.  The pickles are doing far too well, and I have so many left from last year that I'm tired of them, too.  I've put up at least 6 qts and 4 pints of Bread and Butter pickles, 12 qts of dills, 8 pints of cinnamon pickles, and over 25 pints of zucchini relish.

In the corn department, over four days we put up 42 1/2 dozen ears of corn resulting in 98 large quarts in the freezer.  Lorene's family helps and I'm glad to be done with it.  We have plenty to share.

Our tomatoes which were off to a bad start due to the rabbits and a new idea of putting the plants in wood chips, are putting on fruit.  We have a yellow tomato changing and the volunteer ones in the corn plants have some red ones starting to turn. I want lots this year to make plenty of soup, but I don't know.  It will depend on how soon we get frost.

I heard a cricket this morning.  The first one I've heard in about 6 years.  I don't think the cicadas are singing like they usually do, but they are around, we've seen their shells.

Our carrots are doing well, too.

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