Sunday, May 19, 2019

May 19, 2019

Yesterday Jim finished planting the garden.  More corn, plus beans, okra, butternut squash, cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash and carrots.  I'm disappointed the spinach isn't all coming up, and one row of potatoes is stubbornly refusing to appear.
Jim planted some more tomatoes, Better boy and Rutgers.
Jim also planted a cherry tomato plant in a pot on the deck.
We got a bunch of Roma tomatoes from a friend that has a green house to start her own.  They look a lot better than the pitiful specimens we tried to grow in our not so sunny house.

I've made it around to all the flower garden, weeding and getting rid of last winter's trash.  Now, to start again. I've been doing 45 minutes to an hour outside and it really wears me out.  I'm going to have to remember again that I don't have the strength and energy I used to whether I like the idea or not!

We are done eating our asparagus.  We ate our last mess today.  We've really enjoyed having it.  It is so much nicer than any from the store. Now we'll let it grow into fronds and wait until next year.
It was chilly the end of this week after having two days in the 80s in the middle.

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