Saturday, February 18, 2017

February 18. 2017

I guess gardening season has officially begun.  I planted twelve tubes with tomato seeds and 5 tubes with pepper seeds.  That's all the tubes I had.  I was going to take a picture of the tubes, but the planting was going on while the supper was supposed to be grilling.  However, as I put the chicken on, I dropped the thimble that was still on my finger (I was quilting) into the grill.  I shut everything down to dismantle the grill to get it and while I waited I planted.  I couldn't figure out how to take apart the grill so when Jim came home, he did it, and I hurried supper on and forgot all about taking any photos except these of the seed packets.  As you can see, I had a horrible time getting the tomato package open.  I spent a little more time on the pepper packet.  

Now I hope they grow. 

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